
Who we are

Professionals in the field of planning and execution of wealth and business structuring solutions for local and international clients


Who we are

Professionals in the field of planning and execution of wealth and business structuring solutions for local and international clients


Nearly 25 years of expertise...


Founded in 1997 by Karim Van den Ende, KV Associates S.A. ensures the planning and the execution of wealth and business structuring solutions for local and international clients.

Our aim is to assist and stand by our clients personally, efficiently and confidentially, to find and to implement appropriate and legally compliant solutions in a ever-changing regulatory environment.

We ensure the entire administrative, legal, accounting, tax and social support of the project.

A dense network of correspondents, all experts in their field and jurisdiction, enables us to advise you to the best of your interests.

Finally, our independence grants us full freedom to chose our service providers, whomever and wherever they are.




KV Associates S.A. has the status of economical advisor and is member of the Association Luxembourgeoise des Professionnels du Patrimoine ( Karim Van den Ende is member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practicioners ( and the Institut Luxembourgeois des Administrateurs ( KV Associates S.A. is member of the Chambre immobilière du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg.


What DO we do?

Planning and execution of wealth and business structuring solutions for local and international clients

What DO we do?

Planning and execution of wealth and business structuring solutions for local and international clients

We offer the services of advice, research, implementation, follow-up and administration of business and wealth planning and structuring solutions.

In close and ongoing co-operation with the shareholder and his advisors, we proceed by analyzing the appropriateness and the viability of the proposed scheme as well as by elaborating the architecture of the relevant solutions.

We ensure either directly or through our network of duly licensed providers the incorporation, the domiciliation and the administration in the broadest sense including but not limited to the legal assistance and accounting, tax and pay-roll support of corporate structures located in Luxembourg (SPF, soparfi, securitization vehicles, SIF, …) and abroad, be it in Europe (England, Ireland, Netherlands, Portugal, …) or outside Europe (United States, Hong Kong, Singapore, Mauritius, …).

Our status of licensed professional of real estate activities (agent, developer, administrator and manager) allows us to conduct projects in this field.

We also assist our clients in occasional transactions in relation to a specific objective.





KV Associates S.A. 
17, boulevard Royal
L – 2449 Luxembourg

Tel. : +352 45 27 41
Fax : +352 25 48 34
e-mail :